4 Ways You And Your Family Can Be More Eco-Friendly

eco tips for families, family electric car, electric car charging

If you or anyone in your family have become more concerned about how you treat the world, then it may be time to try and be more eco-conscious. This is all about producing less waste and looking forward to including more green solutions. Work with your family to transform your home to become greener. Read this article to learn of some of the ways you can make it happen.

Purchase Second-Hand Clothing

One effective way you can try and be more eco-friendly is to try and purchase second-hand clothing more often. The fast fashion industry is bad for the environment and is causing more harm each year. This shouldn’t be the case, especially with the number of unused clothes that are currently lying around. Most homes in the UK likely have clothes that either don’t fit anymore or are just not used.

Unused clothes such as this should be brought back into the fashion world. This could be through second-hand sales or even donations. If you are looking for new clothes for your child or yourself, you should first consider looking into second-hand shops.

A lot of the time, these second-hand shops will have new clothes that have never been worn. If they have been worn, they will have been cleaned to the point that they look new, so you will be able to get new clothes at a fraction of the price, all while staying away from fast fashion. In a way, it’s much like recycling, which is also something you should do.

Drive An Electric Car

One of the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to change your driving habits. This could mean using your bike a little more or walking instead, or changing your car completely. Some cars will burn fuel quicker, so you need more of it. This means you are wasting more resources and wasting your money, which isn’t ideal.

With fuel prices rising, mainly due to the dwindling amount of gas and oil left in the world, it could be a great time to look into swapping your car for an electric car. You may think that this is a cost you can’t initially justify, so you may have to look into leasing options. Electric car leases may be more cost-effective and allow you to secure an electric car without going out of pocket.

You should research electric cars ahead of time to determine if they are the right option for you and your family. ElectriX can go over the basics of electric cars, and even provide an informational quiz to find out if you’re ready for the change. Consider how big your family is and how many seats you will need in your car, as this could be a major factor when searching. Leasing a family car is a great option if you’re unsure what option will work best.

Avoid Using Plastic Water Bottles

If you have been looking more into being eco, you will likely have heard about the negative effects plastic can have. It’s mainly due to how long it takes to degrade and break down, as it can cause chaos in the ecosystem when they pollute. Not to mention how much energy and resources they require to mass-produce.

You can do your part in reducing the demand by ditching the plastic water bottle and not being a part of the problem. People buy bottled water for their homes because they believe that their water from their taps isn’t pure or doesn’t taste as nice. It’s important to note that the water in the UK is safe, and tap water is the freshest drink around to help you quench your thirst.

If you still don’t like the taste of tap water, then you could look into getting water filters for your home. These will be filled with tap water before being placed in the fridge. These filters may remove anything you have in your home, such as limescale. This is still more environmentally friendly than using plastic water bottles, so look into them.

Reduce Time Spent In Shower

On the topic of water, you should try to reduce any time you spend in the shower. Many individuals waste water during a shower and leave it running while they are doing other things. If you have a large family, many of you will likely be using the shower each day.

You could make it into a game, where you have a set amount of time for a shower, and if they manage to bear the time, they win a little prize. You could make the time during a shower more fun, such as creating a fun playlist that ends when their shower time ends.

If you manage to save water, you will not only be assisting in reducing wasted water, but you will also be able to save money on your bills. However you do it, ensure you are doing it for the right reasons, and try to get the whole family involved.


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