Looking After an Older Dog: Our 5 Best Tips

If we had it our way, our four-legged friends would live to a ripe old age. Unfortunately, unlike humans, our dogs only live a fraction of the time. Before you know it, your once bustling puppy has reached their elderly years. When this happens, you’ll want to do everything possible to ensure they live their best life. For that to happen, here are some expert tips to take on board.

Avoid Obesity

You’ll have a hard time finding a dog owner that doesn’t like to give their best friend treats. However, as your pooch gets older, they may not be as active. This means you could be giving too many treats and find they aren’t up to exercising to burn everything off. Weight gain can quickly occur and come with all kinds of health problems. Make sure you’re feeding your older dog the right foods too. Encore sells dog food that’s made with 100% natural ingredients and protein-rich meat that are perfect for your pooch. They also provide handy advice about how to care for your older dog too.

Look After Your Dog’s Teeth

Like with your own oral hygiene, it’s important to pay close attention to your dog’s teeth and gums. As they age, they’re at a higher risk of dental disease which can cause pain and problems eating and chewing. What’s more, the presence of bacteria in your dog’s mouth can spread to other organs in their body. Keep your dog’s teeth clean by brushing. If you’re unable to do this, consider dental chews that can work just as well.

Be Careful with Exercise

When you say the word ‘walkies’, it’s likely your dog rushes to the front door with their tail wagging. However, as they get older, their joints and bones will begin to suffer. This means your pooch may not be up for long walks in the park. Of course, exercise is great for your dog’s health and wellbeing, but you need to be careful they don’t overdo it. If you’re unsure of what to do, speak to your vet. They can provide specialist advice on the best exercises for older dogs.

Maintain Vaccinations

Some dog owners believe older pets don’t need to be vaccinated regularly. However, this isn’t true. As your dog gets older, their immune system becomes less able to fight infections. Therefore, you must take them to the vet to get vaccinated. Doing so will protect them from hepatitis, distemper, and parvovirus.

Give Lots of Love

Finally, make sure you give your older dog lots of love and attention! Of course, this can be in the form of strokes and hugs, but make sure your dog is comfortable with you doing so. Make sure to groom your dog regularly too. This will keep their coat healthy and shiny, and truly show how much you care for them.

When your dog enters their golden years, it’s your job to keep them happy, healthy, and safe. As they start to slow down, make sure to use the suggestions above. This will make sure they live their life to the fullest and have you by their side every step of the way.

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